Waterfront homes for sale - Waterfront property in Mt. Pleasant and greater Charleston SC
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Waterfront Properties available for sale in the Charleston MLS that match
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I have specialize in selling waterfront homes and lots in the greater Charleston area. In the last 12 months, I have sold beachfront, tidal with deep water access as well as marshviews! I know the market very well and will educate you on opportunities spanning from Sullivan's Island to Seabrook and Kiawah Island. The categories below highlight some of the more popular neighborhoods with views or access to Charleston's intracoastal waters, tidal creeks and rivers. For a more detailed description of each property type and popular neighborhoods please visit the following pages:Intracoastal , Deepwater, Tidal
Creek, Marsh
View, Oceanfront. Many of the luxury gated communities and downtown Charleston homes have waterfront views as well. Mount Pleasant probably offers the most waterfront and water view homes in both older and new neighborhoods with new homes alike. Be Sure to check out West Ashley, Johns Island and James Island which offer a variety of waterfront property options as well. Awendaw and Wadmalaw are more rural and tend to have larger lots available. Email us with any questions.
Favorite Waterfront Neighborhoods:
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Visit the buying information page for things like tax information or send an email if you are looking for something specific in the way of a waterview property. Visit the condominium pages to view waterfront condos for sale. Also, find out more about land and lots available and local builders.
Waterfront under a million...
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You can also use the main MLS listing search feaure to narrow down your search. On step 4 of theCharleston MLS search page you can type in neighborhoods of choice and location in area (golf, water etc).
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begin your search for a home in Charleston, SC. Get to know the Charleston Address agents and see firsthand who they are and the difference they can make when you are buying, selling or investing.
There are many different homes that are
defined as waterfront. Intracoastal, tidal, marsh front and
oceanfront are the most popular. Some communities, such as
Sullivan's Island and Isle of Palms have all four.
Charleston area is blessed with large expanses of unspoiled
coastline, salt marsh estuary and pristine river systems, which
gives its waterfront address a variety of desirable options. A
stunning series of picturesque sea islands includes Kiawah, Seabrook, and Sullivan’s Islands, as well as the Isle of
Palms. All combine environmental consciousness with upscale
amenities, as world-class golf resorts, hotels and dining share
sand and sun with hatching sea turtles and migrations of shore
birds. Beachfront properties feature protected dunes and wildlife
areas that allow for panoramic views of crashing waves and playful dolphins.
inland, surf gives way to winding
tidal creeks and oak-lined
marshes, where shrimp and spot-tailed bass are in abundance and
magnificent herons and egrets wing past like sculpted images.
Johns Island and
James Island, as well as
Mount Pleasant and
Ashley all feature outstanding Charleston waterfront properties along miles
of creeks and estuary, offering serene scenery amid some of lowcountry South Carolina’s most unforgettable landscapes.
protected river systems of the Charleston area afford some of the
most dazzling views anywhere . The Ashley and Cooper Rivers
surround the Charleston peninsula and give way to the beautiful
Charleston harbor, from which exclusive properties downtown, and
in Mount Pleasant, James Island and West Ashley offer exceptional
vistas over what is perhaps the most charming skyline in America.
Farther upstream,
Daniel Island and North Charleston waterfront
properties offer easy access to recreational opportunities that
are in full swing most of the year, as warm temperatures and
currents and ample bodies of water present the outdoor enthusiast
with a choice of fishing, boating, kayaking, sailing, surfing,
swimming or simply lingering.
Charleston by Water -
Charleston is as much fun by water as it is by land! Find your dream home in neighborhoods listed by area on Charleston's intracoastal waterway.
***We receive
requests for Partnership Interval properties when people are looking
for a full time home. There are many Fractional
Ownership or Partnership Interval (FRO) properties on the market and the
prices range from about $100k to 250K for a 1/13
share. In the
property detail page, you will see "Kind:" FRO. If it is a
Single Family Detached you will see (SFD) and if it is Single Family
Attached it will be denoted as SFA.
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Waterfront Properties available in the Charleston MLS that match
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